Stress Fractures

You may hear a lot of sports stars complain of stress fractures, especially in their feet if they play high-impact sports. They tend to occur because of high-impact activity going on too long, happening too often, or being too intense. It is an overuse injury, which is why it is so important you seek the help of a physiotherapist or podiatrist right away or else your condition could worsen very quickly.

Why do stress fractures happen?

The muscles in your feet become overtired and the protection they offer your bones starts to wane. After a while, the force of the impact is transferred to your bones and causes stress fractures. They can also happen to people that rarely exercise, and to people with osteoporosis and similar conditions.

Is it because of trauma?

A stress fracture is not a result of common trauma; it is caused by a repeated action such as a high impact action. It occurs more often if you play sports where your feet impact the ground on a regular basis.

It takes a lot of expertise to diagnose stress fractures

The doctors and podiatrists at Era Health are experts, and are able to diagnose stress fractures, even though they are typically a tough fracture to diagnose. Part of the problem is that they do not show up on X-Rays in many cases. Era Health podiatrists use imaging scans such as an MRI to determine your stress fracture and its severity.

What are the typical symptoms?

Often is it a dull pain that gets worse when exercising or walking. Over time, it may become worse, though it becomes noticeably less painful during rest. Swelling outside the ankle or on top of the foot may occur, and many times the fractured area feels tender. If swelling is an issue, then this makes the condition more uncomfortable and increases the chances of bruising around the area.

Helping you rehabilitate and avoid future injury

Era Health professionals work hard to make sure your stress fractures are completely healed. It is a condition that is easy to aggravate and may recur for many sports players. That is why 100% rehabilitation and recovery is needed. Advice will also be given to the patient to try to lower the chances of this happening again, though some high-impact sports do carry a big risk of stress fractures, especially if the patient plays the sport a lot.

It is tough diagnosing stress fractures

Diagnosis is difficult because stress fractures are hard to find, and stress fractures can often masquerade as other conditions. However, the Era Health podiatrists deal with an exceptionally large amount of sports injuries every year, which is why you are in safe hands.