Era Health Podiatrists Can Treat Sesamoiditis Easily
Era Health podiatrists see Sesamoiditis quite often in children and younger people that enjoy lots of physical activity, though some people have it if they work too hard. The biggest symptom is pain on the inner or medial side of the foot, usually stemming from the ball of the foot.
Diagnosing Sesamoiditis
A few questions and a short examination, and most Era doctors are able to diagnose Sesamoiditis quite quickly. Though, in severe cases, you may be referred to the Era Health podiatrist in Melbourne for a conclusive diagnosis. This is often to check to see if your serious case of Sesamoiditis has not been caused by another condition.
Why is the ball of my foot hurting so much?
Sesamoiditis is a general term and is used to describe an irritation to your sesamoid bones. The sesamoid bones are like mini pulleys that increase the leverage of the tendons. It is possible to irritate these bones and even fracture them. This hurts on its own, though you will also feel pain from the inflamed tendons and surrounding tissue.
What are the symptoms?
You will notice the pain start to occur slowly in many cases. The more you use your foot and the more exercise you do then the worse it will get. The pain will start to make walking more difficult, and it may feel easier and less uncomfortable to drag your foot as opposed to walk on it.
You will feel as if the ball of your foot is swollen, as if you have a small squishy golf ball in your foot. You will also notice that moving your toes is uncomfortable, but not as painful as walking on the ball of your foot. Also, when you take your shoes off and elevate your affected leg, you will feel most of the pains go away, leaving mostly discomfort. You may feel a throbbing feeling when it is not pressed against the floor, and only in rare cases will you see redness or bruising.
An Era Health podiatrist can cure your Sesamoiditis
Era Health doctors can cure your Sesamoiditis quite easily. For a minor case you will be checked to be sure it is nothing worse than Sesamoiditis, and will be sent away with instructions to rest and use a modified shoe insert if needed.
A podiatrist may recommend a metatarsal pad to redistribute the pressure of weight bearing onto the other parts of your forefoot. The podiatrist may bind your big toe to immobilize the joint.