Mental health and COVID-19
If you were struggling during this pandemic, you might feel that the new restrictions may flare feelings of anxiety, distress, fear, and isolation. While this is certainly understandable, and relatable by many fellow Victorians, please know that you are not alone, and health practitioners are here to help you.
If you are feeling down, depressed, anxious, angry or fearful, it is crucial to seek help and discuss your concerns with your doctor, a friend or a family member. It is in hard times that we must come together and support each other so that we can come out strong on the other side.
Many people are feeling vulnerable, worried, or angry with the latest restrictions imposed in Metropolitan Melbourne. While we cannot change these measures, we can try to manage and regulate our emotions and attitude for the coming six weeks.
In the hope to provide some assistance, the following tips may help to minimise a flare on anxiety levels that are affecting your Mental health in COVID-19:
- It is essential to maintain a daily routine with a balanced diet and alcohol intake in moderation.
- Ensure regular exercise for at least 40 minutes each day, within 5km of your place of residence.
- For family members or those living with flatmates, try and find some quiet time for yourself.
- For those alone or away from family, loved ones and friends, connect with them regularly over the phone or through video calls.
- Try meditation. There are some excellent apps to help you sleep, and/or calm your feeling of anxiety. Examples include Headspace and Calm.
There are many other resources available on the following websites:
Sane Australia: https://www.sane.org/services/help-centre
Beyond Blue: https://coronavirus.beyondblue.org.au/
Headspace (for youth): https://headspace.org.au/covid-19/
Head to Health: https://headtohealth.gov.au/covid-19-support/covid-19
Department of Health: https://www.dhhs.vic.gov.au/mental-health-resources-coronavirus-covid-19
Please stay safe and get in touch with us if you need some guidance or assistance. For appointments:
Call us on 9944 6200, email: info@erahealth.com.au or visit https://www.erahealth.com.au/