Preferred Provider Service

Era Health is a Preferred Provider for the following health funds which means that by coming to us you are covered for more for your treatment.

A list of our health care providers, bupa, Medibank, HCF and NIB.

Era Health Dental in Melbourne’s CBD believes in making things as easy as possible for our patients. To this end, we have a HICAPS Dental Health Fund and Insurance billing terminal at our clinic so that your insurance and health fund claims can be processed at the time you receive your dental treatment.

It is a very simple process – just present your current card to our friendly reception staff for processing. Our advanced computer systems interface with your health fund or insurance company and calculate the gap, if any, that you need to pay. The benefit of this system to you is that you receive your rebate immediately and only have to pay the gap after your treatment. No more waiting in long lines at your health fund office.

We are proud of our reputation and that we are recognised as a Preferred Provider by the following health funds and insurers. This means that you effectively increase your dental health cover when you come to our dental clinic Melbourne.

For more information on Preferred Provider Service, please call Era Health Dental on 99446200