Dental Implants

Dental Implants

Dental implants are the modern alternative to dentures and dental bridges. These dental prosthetics are used to replace missing teeth and return full functionality. The actual implant is a titanium post that is surgically embedded into the gum, which then supports one or more teeth, crowns or a removable denture. The great advantage with dental implants is that they function just like your permanent teeth, making them a convenient, practical and comfortable alternative to dentures.

Once the titanium implant is in place, it acts just like the root of a tooth to give strength and stability. Titanium is the preferred material for these implants because it is strong, hyper-allergenic and osseointegrates with the natural bone.

The technology of this prosthetic has been developed over the last few years and offers a stronger, more reliable and permanent solution for patients who have lost teeth for whatever reason. If you have missing teeth, you will be aware how this affects you – it is more difficult to eat certain foods, digestion may be incomplete and you might be embarrassed if the gaps are visible when you talk or smile. Your general health can suffer, along with your self-confidence and self-esteem.

The procedure for dental implants consists of two stages. The first stage is when the posts are surgically implanted into your gums. Sometime temporary crowns are fitted to enable you to function normally while the surgical site heals and your permanent crowns or teeth are being made.

The second stage is when the crowns or artificial teeth are fitted to the posts. Each implant is capable of holding one or several crowns. The temporary crowns are removed and then the permanent ones are fitted. If all is well, and you and the dentist are happy with the result, these are then permanently attached in place.

One of the great benefits with dental implants is that they can be used immediately after a tooth is lost. In fact, the sooner the procedure is done, the better chance you have of avoiding the long-term health issues associated with living with missing teeth. So, if you lose a tooth, contact your Melbourne dentist immediately.

Era Health Dental Clinic Melbourne is fully equipped and staffed to perform dental implants. If you think that this procedure can help you, contact our helpful staff today and make an appointment with one of our experienced dental implant dentists in the Melbourne CBD.